Beyond Minutes:
Your All-in-One Tool for Efficient Meetings

Supercharge Every Minute, Amplify Agendas, Ignite Dialogues with Your AI Meeting Assistant

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Alliances & Partners

We've established partnerships with leading technology and infrastructure providers to drive cost-efficiency and productivity. These collaborations help us craft solutions that tackle intricate business challenges, eliminate regulatory hurdles, and foster business growth.

One tool for the entire meeting Lifecycle.

Simplify meetings from start to finish with our all-in-one lifecycle tool. Streamline pre-meeting preparations, enhance in-meeting engagement, and effortlessly manage post-meeting tasks for an optimized workflow


Saving in Time, Cost, and Quality


Save Time


Avoid all troubles and enjoy the benefit of live transcript during a Zoom session, automatically record team meetings, and transcription of meetings.


Save Cost


The AI scheduling wizard handles it all seamlessly, delivering everything with a touch of magic and absolutely with zero cost.


Improve Quality


Boost your creativity with intelligent AI for meetings. Expertly end discussions to obtain immediate understanding. Get AI transcripts to avoid waiting.

Seamless Integration
For Optimal Performance.

Arcadia effortlessly integrates with existing tools and platforms, enabling maximum productivity without workflow disruption

Ready to Revolutionize Your Meetings?

Say Goodbye to Mundane Note-taking & Unproductive Meetings. Enjoy Smart, Effortless & Efficient Collaborations with Your Own AI Meeting Assistant.

What Our Users Say

Testimonial Person Headshot  Image
Mark Brownly

The tool's seamless integration and automated features have effortlessly streamlined our discussions, saving us valuable time. Our team can now focus on collaboration rather than administrative tasks. Arcadia is a game-changer!"

Testimonial Person Headshot  Image
Samantha Scott

The tool's ability to automate note-taking and provide detailed post-meeting transcripts has not only saved me time but has also ensured that no valuable insights are missed. 

Testimonial Person Headshot  Image
Liam Evans

Arcadia's incorporation of real-time voice commands has redefined how we collaborate. The ability to extract actions, briefings, and details through voice makes our discussions more dynamic and engaging. It's like having a personal assistant in every meeting.

Testimonial Person Headshot  Image

William Connor

The real-time suggestions and personalized agenda templates have transformed the way we organize and run discussions. It's not just a tool; it's our secret weapon for productive and purposeful meetings.

Testimonial Person Headshot  Image
Mark Brownly

The tool's seamless integration and automated features have effortlessly streamlined our discussions, saving us valuable time. Our team can now focus on collaboration rather than administrative tasks. Arcadia is a game-changer!"

Testimonial Person Headshot  Image
Samantha Scott

The tool's ability to automate note-taking and provide detailed post-meeting transcripts has not only saved me time but has also ensured that no valuable insights are missed. 

Testimonial Person Headshot  Image
Liam Evans

Arcadia's incorporation of real-time voice commands has redefined how we collaborate. The ability to extract actions, briefings, and details through voice makes our discussions more dynamic and engaging. It's like having a personal assistant in every meeting.

Testimonial Person Headshot  Image

William Connor

The real-time suggestions and personalized agenda templates have transformed the way we organize and run discussions. It's not just a tool; it's our secret weapon for productive and purposeful meetings.