Participant Transparency and Data Control

Arcadia ensures complete transparency with participants and gives users full control over their data. Compliant recording consents & reliable data security enable users to maintain a professional imagewhile recording calls in a fully transparent manner.

Alliances & Partners

We've established partnerships with leading technology and infrastructure providers to drive cost-efficiency and productivity. These collaborations help us craft solutions that tackle intricate business challenges, eliminate regulatory hurdles, and foster business growth.

Compliance for Recording Consent

When Arcadia joins your calls, all participants are promptly notified that the meeting is being recorded. This eliminates the need to individually seek permission and ensures complete transparency.We strongly discourage the use of any covert recording software or surveillance methods..

Data Privacy, Collection & Processing

Arcadia's functionalities are meticulously designed and implemented with a strong emphasis on privacy. We process only relevant data in accordance with user permissions, refraining from soliciting, accessing, or storing any data beyond intended scope.Rest assured, we do not share customer data with any third party. Throughout our software delivery lifecycle, we exclusively utilize de-identified and dummy data that has no connection to any customer information.As the potential of AI models lies in their ability to learn and enhance performance over time, at Arcadia, we are dedicated to continual improvement, leveraging exciting research breakthroughs and learning from real-world challenges and data.It's important to note that we do not use data submitted by customers to train Arcadia AI models or enhance our service unless expressly requested by you. Your data privacy is of utmost importance to us.

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Data Retention & Security

We have implemented automated procedures to rigorously enforce retention policies, ensuring the complete removal of data when it is no longer necessary or at the user's request.

Seamlessly integrate with your tool stack

Keep using your favorite tools while Meetgeekautomatically syncs your client's meeting contentand key highlights with HubSpot and whereverelse the team gets work done

Trusted by 2.000+ teams worldwide

More than 2.000 business trust MeetGeekworldwide to boost their meetings’productivity.From small startups andsolopreneurs to Fortune 500 companies,MeetGeek helps customers redefine theirmeeting culture and boost their productivity..